since Christmas is coming i have a wish list this yuletide season. i'm not expecting for more gifts *bleh* but yeah it would be nice if i receive from someone who... of course, cares...durrr... remembers
*smiles mischievously*
so okay, we'll be celebrating Christmas next week, let me jot down my wish list here. i would be entirely happy if i will get some of the things that i will mention below ^^
what i want for CHRISTMAS...
1. IPOD-- i want to have this one but this is kinda too pricey for me ^^ i think the music player in my phone should take time to relax. it's overused. that's why i want the real mp3 player, like an IPod.

2. ARASHI 5 X10 ALL THE BEST 1999-2009 album -- i believe i will have this...soon. can't wait to run my fingers on this CD. non-stop ARASHI songs on my stereo yey! every arashi fangirls must have.

3. 5 x10 ARASHI shirt-- i asked my online buddy in multiply who sells ARASHI stuffs, how much is the shirt? *eyes grew wider* a whopping Php 2,000.00!!! omigawd. i'd think a couple of times before i purchased this one. a shirt for 2,000 pesos?? i got my precious INCUBUS shirt for PhP150 at the tiangge in riverbanks, marikina (though i'm still raving for the original one sold in TOP 40 shirts.

4. BATH AND BODY WORKS-- soo lurve the scents. i want this so badly.

5. HAVAIANAS-- i bought one recently. but i want a new pair ^^

6. A KISS FROM BRANDON BOYD-- this has been my wish every year, unfortunately the wish has not been granted. oh, santa, i've been a good girl through out the year. do you have anything against me?? *sobs*... for an ambitious bitch, durr, girl like me, i'm one of those die hard brandon boyd worshiper who dreams of having a lip lock with him^^ hey-hey!

7. of course, i won't forget about this for sure, since i want a kiss from brandon, which i haven't received for years, lawl, leng, lawl! (i'm really confused to my name now. i've been called to different names recently ) anyway, since i'm overly in love with Matsujun this year (2009) tremendous love is what i feel for him right now... drooling over his sexiness, kakkoiness, bakaness and such... all i want for Christmas is some sexy lovin' from MATSUMOTO JUN. some sexy lovin'?? what duh?? hmmm...whatever interpretations you have in this, WELL, it's up to you dear reader *laughs naughtily* what i have in mind at present, is not for public sharing! lol! seriously, am i getting hentai-ish here?? no, no, no. a tight embrace and peck on the lips would suit me just fine *grins*. ahh...thinking (dreaming) about this, i'm dying from tension

sure these are perfect for CHRISTMAS... will i be able to get all of these this year?
dear santa,
no.7 is i want most for a gift 8D!!!!
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