tomorrow is the new year's eve...
and for us fangirls of ARASHI.. we are excited for their performance in kouhaku tomorrow. *dancing happily*
i want to see them perform live!!!! i was depressed last week coz i did not have the chance to see them perform in MUSIC STATION SUPER LIVE last christmas day. thanks to youtube, without you, i wouldn't have seen my favorite boys singing "believe" and "everything" and i would be the only fangirl that was left behind ("napapag-iwanan") if i didn't catch this one.
according to my sources, ARASHI will sing A.Ra.Shi, Love so Sweet, Happiness and Believe... my favorite songs from them \(^0^)/
and this time i promised myself that i should watch this event on DECEMBER 31, 2009
but i have yet to ask my friend what time (philppine time) and what tv station should i tune in to so i'll be able to watch them perform tomorrow.
i wonder if i can see this in my KeyHole TV??? well, i really hope so... please please... i want to see them... only them can make me happy this new year (ayiiii...)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
what did i do during rizal day?
before i babble, happy rizal day! mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal! at mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
kawaii deshou??
just had a tiring day...
my family and i went to our relative's house in the other side of san mateo, rizal. we got to visit my auntie, my cousins and our dear lola whom now have an Alzheimer's disease. she can no longer remember my father who was one of her sons. she can only remember the name of my other auntie whom she had lived with for so many years in her hometown in Dagupan City. another thing, there is only one apo (grandchild) she can recall, my cousin katherine coz she (ate katherine) took care of my lola until she got married and before my auntie brought my lola to manila. though she had this illness she can still communicate with us ^^ and it's kinda funny whenever we ask her if she knows/remember all her children and the name of her late husband (my lolo). my lola would answer she couldn't remember the name of her husband and that all her children are dead. the fact is, among the five children my lola had, her eldest son (my uncle) was the only one who succumbed to life just two years ago.
one of the good things in holidays is you get to see and visit the people/relative/family/friend, you don't have time to see. but tooo...baaaddd, my vacation or Christmas break will end come monday next year! literally next year because it will be 2010 next week. ughhhh... i still want a break from work...
~change topic~
anyhoo, i recently bought a bag. it was cheap but certainly "cute". lately i've started collecting bags. some are kinda pricey and some are bought for a cheap price.
and this is the bag that i've purchased last sunday :
so looove the style!!!!
my family and i went to our relative's house in the other side of san mateo, rizal. we got to visit my auntie, my cousins and our dear lola whom now have an Alzheimer's disease. she can no longer remember my father who was one of her sons. she can only remember the name of my other auntie whom she had lived with for so many years in her hometown in Dagupan City. another thing, there is only one apo (grandchild) she can recall, my cousin katherine coz she (ate katherine) took care of my lola until she got married and before my auntie brought my lola to manila. though she had this illness she can still communicate with us ^^ and it's kinda funny whenever we ask her if she knows/remember all her children and the name of her late husband (my lolo). my lola would answer she couldn't remember the name of her husband and that all her children are dead. the fact is, among the five children my lola had, her eldest son (my uncle) was the only one who succumbed to life just two years ago.
one of the good things in holidays is you get to see and visit the people/relative/family/friend, you don't have time to see. but tooo...baaaddd, my vacation or Christmas break will end come monday next year! literally next year because it will be 2010 next week. ughhhh... i still want a break from work...
~change topic~
anyhoo, i recently bought a bag. it was cheap but certainly "cute". lately i've started collecting bags. some are kinda pricey and some are bought for a cheap price.
and this is the bag that i've purchased last sunday :
so looove the style!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
oh yes i did it! \(^0^)/ yatta yatta yatta...oh.. will i become a yatterman? he-he
anyway, i'm loving the new look of my blogsite. i have been infront of the computer since 8:30 in the evening and i just finished editing and fixing some things here.
i've tried changing it to a cute template but i was not satisfied with the results so i returned to my old template which i've been using since last saturday. to make it more appealing to my eyes i just added some GIFs of the people i adore (ARASHI, ALICE NINE & HYDE)... now i like it better than it used to (^0^)
if you can see on my side bar, i added gif of my dear boyfriend, MatsuJun^^
so, before i make a long babble here, i better should say my's 1 oclock in the morning for crying out loud!!!
oyasumi minna~
til next post 8D
and oh yeah, my sister is watching Meteor Garden right now... she said she's comparing the three adaptations of the shoujo manga Hana Yori Dango ^^
anyway, i'm loving the new look of my blogsite. i have been infront of the computer since 8:30 in the evening and i just finished editing and fixing some things here.
i've tried changing it to a cute template but i was not satisfied with the results so i returned to my old template which i've been using since last saturday. to make it more appealing to my eyes i just added some GIFs of the people i adore (ARASHI, ALICE NINE & HYDE)... now i like it better than it used to (^0^)
if you can see on my side bar, i added gif of my dear boyfriend, MatsuJun^^
so, before i make a long babble here, i better should say my's 1 oclock in the morning for crying out loud!!!
oyasumi minna~
til next post 8D
and oh yeah, my sister is watching Meteor Garden right now... she said she's comparing the three adaptations of the shoujo manga Hana Yori Dango ^^
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Today is the 24th of December 2009, it's Christmas eve and it's also the miracle crying boy's birthday--AIBA MASAKI! my niban :)
Aiba-chan is the baka-est member in ARASHI ^^ and i like him for that. he always had the craziest ideas...and sometimes he acts childishly that makes him really cute :)

and now that's it's your 27th birthday, my wish for you is to have more birthdays to come, to stay healthy and may you continue to be "baka" all the time! he-he
domo arigatou gozaimashita for making us happy in your own crazy way. everytime i see you, there is always a smile on my face ^^ that's why i love watching you in your shows. your little antics never fail to amuse me. when i see you cry during your concerts thanking your fans, it warms my heart because i can feel what you feel. thank you so so much for that!
i'll be forever grateful for the time that i came to know you and the rest of ARASHI, because without you guys, my craziness would never be like this...
Friday, December 18, 2009
7 things...
since Christmas is coming i have a wish list this yuletide season. i'm not expecting for more gifts *bleh* but yeah it would be nice if i receive from someone who... of course, cares...durrr... remembers
*smiles mischievously*
so okay, we'll be celebrating Christmas next week, let me jot down my wish list here. i would be entirely happy if i will get some of the things that i will mention below ^^
what i want for CHRISTMAS...
1. IPOD-- i want to have this one but this is kinda too pricey for me ^^ i think the music player in my phone should take time to relax. it's overused. that's why i want the real mp3 player, like an IPod.

2. ARASHI 5 X10 ALL THE BEST 1999-2009 album -- i believe i will have this...soon. can't wait to run my fingers on this CD. non-stop ARASHI songs on my stereo yey! every arashi fangirls must have.

3. 5 x10 ARASHI shirt-- i asked my online buddy in multiply who sells ARASHI stuffs, how much is the shirt? *eyes grew wider* a whopping Php 2,000.00!!! omigawd. i'd think a couple of times before i purchased this one. a shirt for 2,000 pesos?? i got my precious INCUBUS shirt for PhP150 at the tiangge in riverbanks, marikina (though i'm still raving for the original one sold in TOP 40 shirts.

4. BATH AND BODY WORKS-- soo lurve the scents. i want this so badly.

5. HAVAIANAS-- i bought one recently. but i want a new pair ^^

6. A KISS FROM BRANDON BOYD-- this has been my wish every year, unfortunately the wish has not been granted. oh, santa, i've been a good girl through out the year. do you have anything against me?? *sobs*... for an ambitious bitch, durr, girl like me, i'm one of those die hard brandon boyd worshiper who dreams of having a lip lock with him^^ hey-hey!

7. of course, i won't forget about this for sure, since i want a kiss from brandon, which i haven't received for years, lawl, leng, lawl! (i'm really confused to my name now. i've been called to different names recently ) anyway, since i'm overly in love with Matsujun this year (2009) tremendous love is what i feel for him right now... drooling over his sexiness, kakkoiness, bakaness and such... all i want for Christmas is some sexy lovin' from MATSUMOTO JUN. some sexy lovin'?? what duh?? hmmm...whatever interpretations you have in this, WELL, it's up to you dear reader *laughs naughtily* what i have in mind at present, is not for public sharing! lol! seriously, am i getting hentai-ish here?? no, no, no. a tight embrace and peck on the lips would suit me just fine *grins*. ahh...thinking (dreaming) about this, i'm dying from tension

sure these are perfect for CHRISTMAS... will i be able to get all of these this year?
dear santa,
no.7 is i want most for a gift 8D!!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
some little thoughts for tonight...
i haven't posted pics from hero nation (cosplay event last november 30) til now... time is not available for me, plus my pc here in our home sucks... yeah it's super slow i'm having a hard time posting here and doing some stuffs on facebook and with my other networking accounts...damnnnnnnnn...
i wish my mother would buy a new one ASAP hahaha...
anyway, i wont be able to be online for tomorrow and the major reason is of course, well... you're guess is as good as mine... like the reason i was away for two days last month... and right now i'm feeling that same feeling again. *sucks*
i'm happy that i got a keyholeTV!!! now i can watch japanese tv shows live!!! sounds like i'm really happy ne? but toooooo badddd...there's no subtitle for this... i can't understand nihonggo *sob*.. the main reason why i downloaded it coz i want to watch ARASHI shows live, especially ARashi no Shukudaikun...oh yessss....
~~just saw Kimura Takuya on Fuji TV don't know if its a drama or what...
til then ^^
i wish my mother would buy a new one ASAP hahaha...
anyway, i wont be able to be online for tomorrow and the major reason is of course, well... you're guess is as good as mine... like the reason i was away for two days last month... and right now i'm feeling that same feeling again. *sucks*
i'm happy that i got a keyholeTV!!! now i can watch japanese tv shows live!!! sounds like i'm really happy ne? but toooooo badddd...there's no subtitle for this... i can't understand nihonggo *sob*.. the main reason why i downloaded it coz i want to watch ARASHI shows live, especially ARashi no Shukudaikun...oh yessss....
~~just saw Kimura Takuya on Fuji TV don't know if its a drama or what...
til then ^^
Friday, December 04, 2009
thank god it's friday...
thank god it's friday!!!
i haven't post anything here since riida's birthday... it's december already...meaning christmas is coming...
but i will try to when i have time... maybe tomorrow and it's gonna be about the cosplay event my friends and i attended last monday ^^
~~why do i blog like a kid?~~ *sigh*
ja ne~~
oh yeah, i hope to watch Yamashita Tomohisa aka YamaPi's kurosagi tonight or maybe this weekend ^^

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