konnichiwa minna-chan!
what a tiring and boring day it is today...
i couldn't think of anything interesting to post here, I just want to say hi to all of you, yes you, anyone who gets to read my blog. the blog that contains mostly about my flailing, craziness and everything that deserves to be talked about XD--that most of the time are just random and insensible thoughts, hahaha.
and oh yeah, i wrote on my plurk that for the mean time i'll refrain from too much watching of ARASHI shows/doramas/movies and other K-dramas (that I've been addicted for 7 years i think...) because i'll be busy writing my manuscript. and speaking of which, i started writing again, as in all over again, last Friday (last week). and yatta! I'm already in Chapter three! I may say that I was kinda fast in writing my MS during the weekend. usually, I finish a manuscript in not less than two months. hopefully, i can get to finish the one I'm writing now before the end of this month or maybe, the first week of February *crossing fingers*
sooo, what else should i blab about? February is BRANDON BOYD's birth month *super flail*, he'll be turning a gorgeously-hot 34 !!!!! last year, i celebrated his birthday with a birthday cake. and this year, I haven't decided on what will i have for oppa Brandon's birthday...a birthday wish and perhaps a birthday cake with 34 candles around it 8D. talking about wishes, i want INCUBUS to visit MANILA again!!! XD *rock & roll* with Incubus l♥♥ve & music

that's just pure wishful thinking. i know my boys are quite busy with the band's stuffs. but still...
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