Today is February 15, 2010 and on this day a wonderful man is celebrating his 34th year existence in this chaotic world XD.
Brandon Boyd has always been the man of my dreams. I love him not only for his rock star status, I love him for he is a truly wonderful enigmatic human being :) He's not just a mere musician, not just the lead vocalist of Incubus...he's also a writer and a painter... a true blooded emissary of Art :)
Yes, I'll never get tired listening to your music. Will never get tired adoring you, coz it has been my pledge to be forever a fan of yours... I have been admiring you since I was fifteen. And my dream of someday marrying you is always there...lawl. I won't get married until you get married, hahaha.
Since your celebrating your birthday today...what is birthday without a birthday wish??
my wishes for you...
that God will shower you with more blessings...
to be part of Incubus forever...
to be always healthy (and all Incubus) so you can continue to make beautiful music for the fans, for the people and for the world.
to have more birthdays to come... Coz I'm sure my life will never be the same without you, that's how I love you so much Brandon *kiss*.
to have more compositions, more albums, and a concert here (for the third time) in Manila. I promise my self to watch you again, Live. and this time I'll make sure that I'm on the VIP section so I can see you near and have that "skinship ", no matter how much the VIP tickets are, I will buy them.
and lastly, be always happy. If you want to get married and have your own family, do it. If that would make you entirely happy and complete. I think I've overcome my selfishness of not wanting you to get married and all and that it's better that you're gay than marry some bitches out there. Now, I can accept it if you want to spend your life with someone you love. You deserve to be happy Brandon. That's how a true fan wants for you :)
I have so many wishes for you but I guess that's all for now :) I have to reserve some for your 35th birthday next year.
Love always,
♥♥ Arianne ♥♥