tomorrow is the new year's eve...
and for us fangirls of ARASHI.. we are excited for their performance in kouhaku tomorrow. *dancing happily*
i want to see them perform live!!!! i was depressed last week coz i did not have the chance to see them perform in MUSIC STATION SUPER LIVE last christmas day. thanks to youtube, without you, i wouldn't have seen my favorite boys singing "believe" and "everything" and i would be the only fangirl that was left behind ("napapag-iwanan") if i didn't catch this one.
according to my sources, ARASHI will sing A.Ra.Shi, Love so Sweet, Happiness and Believe... my favorite songs from them \(^0^)/
and this time i promised myself that i should watch this event on DECEMBER 31, 2009
but i have yet to ask my friend what time (philppine time) and what tv station should i tune in to so i'll be able to watch them perform tomorrow.
i wonder if i can see this in my KeyHole TV??? well, i really hope so... please please... i want to see them... only them can make me happy this new year (ayiiii...)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
what did i do during rizal day?
before i babble, happy rizal day! mabuhay si Dr. Jose Rizal! at mabuhay ang Pilipinas!
kawaii deshou??
just had a tiring day...
my family and i went to our relative's house in the other side of san mateo, rizal. we got to visit my auntie, my cousins and our dear lola whom now have an Alzheimer's disease. she can no longer remember my father who was one of her sons. she can only remember the name of my other auntie whom she had lived with for so many years in her hometown in Dagupan City. another thing, there is only one apo (grandchild) she can recall, my cousin katherine coz she (ate katherine) took care of my lola until she got married and before my auntie brought my lola to manila. though she had this illness she can still communicate with us ^^ and it's kinda funny whenever we ask her if she knows/remember all her children and the name of her late husband (my lolo). my lola would answer she couldn't remember the name of her husband and that all her children are dead. the fact is, among the five children my lola had, her eldest son (my uncle) was the only one who succumbed to life just two years ago.
one of the good things in holidays is you get to see and visit the people/relative/family/friend, you don't have time to see. but tooo...baaaddd, my vacation or Christmas break will end come monday next year! literally next year because it will be 2010 next week. ughhhh... i still want a break from work...
~change topic~
anyhoo, i recently bought a bag. it was cheap but certainly "cute". lately i've started collecting bags. some are kinda pricey and some are bought for a cheap price.
and this is the bag that i've purchased last sunday :
so looove the style!!!!
my family and i went to our relative's house in the other side of san mateo, rizal. we got to visit my auntie, my cousins and our dear lola whom now have an Alzheimer's disease. she can no longer remember my father who was one of her sons. she can only remember the name of my other auntie whom she had lived with for so many years in her hometown in Dagupan City. another thing, there is only one apo (grandchild) she can recall, my cousin katherine coz she (ate katherine) took care of my lola until she got married and before my auntie brought my lola to manila. though she had this illness she can still communicate with us ^^ and it's kinda funny whenever we ask her if she knows/remember all her children and the name of her late husband (my lolo). my lola would answer she couldn't remember the name of her husband and that all her children are dead. the fact is, among the five children my lola had, her eldest son (my uncle) was the only one who succumbed to life just two years ago.
one of the good things in holidays is you get to see and visit the people/relative/family/friend, you don't have time to see. but tooo...baaaddd, my vacation or Christmas break will end come monday next year! literally next year because it will be 2010 next week. ughhhh... i still want a break from work...
~change topic~
anyhoo, i recently bought a bag. it was cheap but certainly "cute". lately i've started collecting bags. some are kinda pricey and some are bought for a cheap price.
and this is the bag that i've purchased last sunday :
so looove the style!!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
oh yes i did it! \(^0^)/ yatta yatta yatta...oh.. will i become a yatterman? he-he
anyway, i'm loving the new look of my blogsite. i have been infront of the computer since 8:30 in the evening and i just finished editing and fixing some things here.
i've tried changing it to a cute template but i was not satisfied with the results so i returned to my old template which i've been using since last saturday. to make it more appealing to my eyes i just added some GIFs of the people i adore (ARASHI, ALICE NINE & HYDE)... now i like it better than it used to (^0^)
if you can see on my side bar, i added gif of my dear boyfriend, MatsuJun^^
so, before i make a long babble here, i better should say my's 1 oclock in the morning for crying out loud!!!
oyasumi minna~
til next post 8D
and oh yeah, my sister is watching Meteor Garden right now... she said she's comparing the three adaptations of the shoujo manga Hana Yori Dango ^^
anyway, i'm loving the new look of my blogsite. i have been infront of the computer since 8:30 in the evening and i just finished editing and fixing some things here.
i've tried changing it to a cute template but i was not satisfied with the results so i returned to my old template which i've been using since last saturday. to make it more appealing to my eyes i just added some GIFs of the people i adore (ARASHI, ALICE NINE & HYDE)... now i like it better than it used to (^0^)
if you can see on my side bar, i added gif of my dear boyfriend, MatsuJun^^
so, before i make a long babble here, i better should say my's 1 oclock in the morning for crying out loud!!!
oyasumi minna~
til next post 8D
and oh yeah, my sister is watching Meteor Garden right now... she said she's comparing the three adaptations of the shoujo manga Hana Yori Dango ^^
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Today is the 24th of December 2009, it's Christmas eve and it's also the miracle crying boy's birthday--AIBA MASAKI! my niban :)
Aiba-chan is the baka-est member in ARASHI ^^ and i like him for that. he always had the craziest ideas...and sometimes he acts childishly that makes him really cute :)

and now that's it's your 27th birthday, my wish for you is to have more birthdays to come, to stay healthy and may you continue to be "baka" all the time! he-he
domo arigatou gozaimashita for making us happy in your own crazy way. everytime i see you, there is always a smile on my face ^^ that's why i love watching you in your shows. your little antics never fail to amuse me. when i see you cry during your concerts thanking your fans, it warms my heart because i can feel what you feel. thank you so so much for that!
i'll be forever grateful for the time that i came to know you and the rest of ARASHI, because without you guys, my craziness would never be like this...
Friday, December 18, 2009
7 things...
since Christmas is coming i have a wish list this yuletide season. i'm not expecting for more gifts *bleh* but yeah it would be nice if i receive from someone who... of course, cares...durrr... remembers
*smiles mischievously*
so okay, we'll be celebrating Christmas next week, let me jot down my wish list here. i would be entirely happy if i will get some of the things that i will mention below ^^
what i want for CHRISTMAS...
1. IPOD-- i want to have this one but this is kinda too pricey for me ^^ i think the music player in my phone should take time to relax. it's overused. that's why i want the real mp3 player, like an IPod.

2. ARASHI 5 X10 ALL THE BEST 1999-2009 album -- i believe i will have this...soon. can't wait to run my fingers on this CD. non-stop ARASHI songs on my stereo yey! every arashi fangirls must have.

3. 5 x10 ARASHI shirt-- i asked my online buddy in multiply who sells ARASHI stuffs, how much is the shirt? *eyes grew wider* a whopping Php 2,000.00!!! omigawd. i'd think a couple of times before i purchased this one. a shirt for 2,000 pesos?? i got my precious INCUBUS shirt for PhP150 at the tiangge in riverbanks, marikina (though i'm still raving for the original one sold in TOP 40 shirts.

4. BATH AND BODY WORKS-- soo lurve the scents. i want this so badly.

5. HAVAIANAS-- i bought one recently. but i want a new pair ^^

6. A KISS FROM BRANDON BOYD-- this has been my wish every year, unfortunately the wish has not been granted. oh, santa, i've been a good girl through out the year. do you have anything against me?? *sobs*... for an ambitious bitch, durr, girl like me, i'm one of those die hard brandon boyd worshiper who dreams of having a lip lock with him^^ hey-hey!

7. of course, i won't forget about this for sure, since i want a kiss from brandon, which i haven't received for years, lawl, leng, lawl! (i'm really confused to my name now. i've been called to different names recently ) anyway, since i'm overly in love with Matsujun this year (2009) tremendous love is what i feel for him right now... drooling over his sexiness, kakkoiness, bakaness and such... all i want for Christmas is some sexy lovin' from MATSUMOTO JUN. some sexy lovin'?? what duh?? hmmm...whatever interpretations you have in this, WELL, it's up to you dear reader *laughs naughtily* what i have in mind at present, is not for public sharing! lol! seriously, am i getting hentai-ish here?? no, no, no. a tight embrace and peck on the lips would suit me just fine *grins*. ahh...thinking (dreaming) about this, i'm dying from tension

sure these are perfect for CHRISTMAS... will i be able to get all of these this year?
dear santa,
no.7 is i want most for a gift 8D!!!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
some little thoughts for tonight...
i haven't posted pics from hero nation (cosplay event last november 30) til now... time is not available for me, plus my pc here in our home sucks... yeah it's super slow i'm having a hard time posting here and doing some stuffs on facebook and with my other networking accounts...damnnnnnnnn...
i wish my mother would buy a new one ASAP hahaha...
anyway, i wont be able to be online for tomorrow and the major reason is of course, well... you're guess is as good as mine... like the reason i was away for two days last month... and right now i'm feeling that same feeling again. *sucks*
i'm happy that i got a keyholeTV!!! now i can watch japanese tv shows live!!! sounds like i'm really happy ne? but toooooo badddd...there's no subtitle for this... i can't understand nihonggo *sob*.. the main reason why i downloaded it coz i want to watch ARASHI shows live, especially ARashi no Shukudaikun...oh yessss....
~~just saw Kimura Takuya on Fuji TV don't know if its a drama or what...
til then ^^
i wish my mother would buy a new one ASAP hahaha...
anyway, i wont be able to be online for tomorrow and the major reason is of course, well... you're guess is as good as mine... like the reason i was away for two days last month... and right now i'm feeling that same feeling again. *sucks*
i'm happy that i got a keyholeTV!!! now i can watch japanese tv shows live!!! sounds like i'm really happy ne? but toooooo badddd...there's no subtitle for this... i can't understand nihonggo *sob*.. the main reason why i downloaded it coz i want to watch ARASHI shows live, especially ARashi no Shukudaikun...oh yessss....
~~just saw Kimura Takuya on Fuji TV don't know if its a drama or what...
til then ^^
Friday, December 04, 2009
thank god it's friday...
thank god it's friday!!!
i haven't post anything here since riida's birthday... it's december already...meaning christmas is coming...
but i will try to when i have time... maybe tomorrow and it's gonna be about the cosplay event my friends and i attended last monday ^^
~~why do i blog like a kid?~~ *sigh*
ja ne~~
oh yeah, i hope to watch Yamashita Tomohisa aka YamaPi's kurosagi tonight or maybe this weekend ^^

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Oh-chan is the bestest singer in ARASHI and he is also the reluctant leader.
whew! time really flies so fast imagine you're just a nineteen year old boy when you started out as an ARASHI member but now you are a real man ^^ you are twenty nine.

hope you'll have more birthdays to come and someday the right one for you will come along... i'm wishing you to be happy all the time. you deserve all the blessings in the world.
thanks for making us happy thru your talent. everything you do inspires us ^^
much love for you RIIDA.
i'm really happy that i got to know you and the rest of the stormy boys ^^.
hope the music will never die...
again ontanjoubi omodetto OHNO SATOSHI!!!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
toda erika, an addition to my list of favorite japanese actresses

yeah, yeah, yeah...
i don't usually favor japanese girls... i prefer korean girls because they seem to be more beautiful than the japanese, take for example "jeon ji hyun".--she was my ultimate favorite korean actress due to My Sassy Girl fame ^^. but learning that most of korean actresses went under the knife or most commonly known did a "plastic surgery" i got dismayed as in really. so they're not natural beauties after all.
no, no, i'm not that shallow in choosing a favorite actress, i also look in to their talents of course.
since i'm just getting started to know other japanese artistes, i've come to know only a few of them. and so far i have only like three japanese actresses. first was Hirosue Ryoko, i've first seen her in the dorama "dekichatta kekkon" in 2006 when it was shown here over QTV channel 11, second is Inoue Mao, all because she was the female lead in the popular dorama "Hana Yori Dango" series, which is my favorite dorama :) and lastly my new discovery is the pretty, young and sweet-looking Toda Erika. yeah, i know she played Misa Amane in Death Note movie, had played Umi Nakajima in HanaDan 2, but i came to really admire her as an actress when i watched "Ryusei no Kizuna". she was really great in that dorama ^^.
some facts about Toda Erika :
Erika Toda (戸田 恵梨香 Toda Erika?, born on August 17, 1988), is a Japaneseactress from Kobe.
She has had supporting roles in many popular Japanese TV dramas such as Nobuta o Produce, Engine and Gal Circle, but has only starred as the main character in the April 2007 drama, Liar Game. In the popular manga adaption movie Death Note, she played the role of Misa Amane.
...really love her ^^
A.Ra.Shi by Arashi-
i love this song so much!!!!
i was really amused when i saw this PV for the first time.
this is ARASHI's first single ever way back in 1999. whoa! can you imagine that? the video was ten years ago. ARASHI were still young, hehehe. they're so
kawaii!!!!!!!!!! and matsumoto jun was a bucktooth then, but now he have a perfect straight teeth ^^. and riida had long hair, nino chibi was cute ( of course sitll cute as ever) , sho infairness sitll have a flawless skin up to now ^^
aiba was already the tallest among them :)
i was only thirteen back in 1999 and how i wish i've known them ten years ago but i was not aware of JPOP/ culture coz i was busy with HANSON, backstreet boys and other american boybands ^^
but it's good to know that ARASHI is still a solid group after so many years ^^ AND i'm proud to say that i'am an ARASHI fangirl:) and still counting the years to come ^^
why i like this??? i like this PV because of the dance step ^^
hihi, matsujun is my ichiban and i was amazed that he have good dancing skills ^^ i'm not being biased here, it just shows, although oh-chan is said to be the bestest dancer among them ^^ the song is very catchy... it shows ARASHI's youthfulness... i did enjoy watching this video over and over again.
it's super nice :)
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
tadaima cyberworld!
NP: beautiful days by ARASHI
after two days of being offline...i'm so back on cyberworld! yeah... i've been gone for days and it was all because of the damn PMS. i wish boys also have a period every month so that girls are not the only one suffering in this kind of pain *evil grin* hihihi
the first thing i did after i turn on the pc is checking my FB account and proceeded to cafe world..yup you got it right, i'm now addicted to this game ^^
yesterday while i was absent from work i continued to watch Ryusei no Kisuna starring ninomiya kazunari, nishikido ryo and toda erika. i super like the story. you'll never expect the revelations and twists until you get to finished it until the last episode. i highly recommend this dorama for all nino fans (well of course aside from yamada taro monogatari). the drama was still stuck in my head until i get to sleep last night. and can i just say i uber like the OST of this drama? and it's now playing on my MP3 ^^ beautiful days by arashi.
so before i make a long blog here... i just want to say...I'M BACK MINNA!!!
thank you to ocha... she was wondering why i am nowhere to be found. miss you too girl :)
jaa ne~~~
Thursday, November 12, 2009
do you love the sunny day?
mood: happy
music: love so sweet by arashi (always arashi, ne?)
it's a bright sunny morning today! the weather is good but sometimes i hate it because of the hot temperature, although i'm inside the office and we have a centralized aircon i can still feel the heat of the burning sun. and i'm also hating the UVA/UBV rays that damages the skin so i always bring an umbrella whenever i'm outside. i don't want to have dark spots on my face. yikes! hahaha didn't i act like paris hilton here? i don't have a great skin like Goo Hye Sun or better known as Geum Jan Di of Boys over Flowers demo i want to take care of it ^^. it's an ordinary thing for girls who want to stay pretty ^^. am i right, ladies?
i like it better when it is cloudy ^^.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Arashi , aishiteru yo!
my favorite japanese boyband.
i love them so much! i can't stop playing their songs on my MP3. when i watch them on their shows, PVs, CMs, dramas and movies or see them in magazine they always make me happy ^^.
i can't get enough of them and i'll never get tired idolizing, worshiping, and loving them...
truly fangirling is addictive...
ARASHI is a drug...
and i wanna be drugged for the rest of my life!!!
ARASHI saikou!!!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
my guilty pleasure

The word "chocolate" entered the English language from Spanish. How the word came into Spanish is less certain, and there are multiple competing explanations. Perhaps the most cited explanation is that "chocolate" comes from Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, from the word "chocolatl", which many sources derived from the Nahuatl word "xocolatl" made up from the words "xococ" meaning sour or bitter, and "atl" meaning water or drink.[3] However, as William Bright noted[4] the word "chocolatl" doesn't occur in central Mexican colonial sources making this an unlikely derivation. Santamaria[5] gives a derivation from the Yucatec Maya word "chokol" meaning hot, and the Nahuatl "atl" meaning water. More recently Dakin and Wichmann derive it from another Nahuatl term, "chicolatl" from Eastern Nahuatl meaning "beaten drink".[6] They derive this term from the word for the frothing stick, "chicoli".--- wikipedia
my guilty pleasure...

yes... i'm a certified chocoholic. ever since i was a kid i've been addicted to it and i can say it is one of my greatest addictions ever aside from incubus, brandon boyd, matsujun, and Arashi :)
it wasn't on my plan but i end up shopping for chocolates last tuesday after work. being a self-proclaimed "kuripot" buying for a certain thing would make a big decision for me. it was my first time to splurged my money impulsively, knowing how expensive chocolates are nowadays. that particular day i waste no time picking and choosing the chocolates that i wanted to try, it's as if a voice was whispering in my ears that says: "try me and taste me, i know you want me" hahaha ( sounds like a lover) *grins*.
i loove chocolates. they really make my day :) they relieve the stress i'm feeling. they cheer me up when i feel down. and mind you, i can eat a whole pack of hershey's kisses in one sitting in front of the TV. i don't care if get fat or what, as long as they satisfy my cravings i'll be eternally happy *winks*.

chocolates also has interesting facts and benefits... it is a brain stimulator, anti-cancer, a cough preventor, some say it is an aphrodisiac, though the effect in not yet proven, dark chocolate is good for the circulatory system. wow can you imagine that? it does not only please our appetite, we can also gain benefits while eating them :) it's very nice, ne?
do you like chocolates? are you a chocoholic like me?
if yes, raise your hand.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
thought for the day
hmmm... it's a rainy wednesday morning.
in times like this it's so good to eat hot champorado (my comfort food)... just thinking about it my stomach is churning and grumbling. i did not eat breakfast this morning. hahaha. i usually don't eat breakfast during weekdays, so i head to my office with an empty stomach, demo that is just fine though :)
what i'll be up to this week?
i'll post blogs about my guilty pleasure when i get home later...
post new pictures on my Friendster, Multiply and Facebook account
everyone is free to visit this blolgsite of mine :)
jaa ne~
Monday, November 02, 2009
Yamada Taro Monogatari~ a review~

* Ninomiya Kazunari as Yamada Taro
* Sakurai Sho as Mimura Takuya
* Kikuchi Momoko as Yamada Ayako
* Matsuoka Mitsuru as Yamada Kazuo
* Oshinari Shugo as Sugiura Keichi
* Fukiishi Kazue as Torii Kyoko
* Otsuka Chihiro as Nakai Masami
* Shibata Rie as Ikegami Maria
* Musaka Naomasa as Ikegami Ryunosuke
* Tabe Mikako as Ikegami Takako
* Utsui Ken as Ichinomiya
* Yoshizawa Hisashi as Ehara Makoto
* Fukui Hiroaki as Osaki Shinosuke
* Yamada Shintaro as Ando Masaki
* Kojima Haruna as Usui Kotone
* Takahashi Ryosuke as Okubo Shin
* Ogata Sayaka as Kashiwagi Honoka
* Yarita Akihiro (鎗田晟裕) as Yamada Jiro
* Shimizu Naoya (清水尚弥) as Yamada Saburo
* Muranaka Haruna (村中暖奈) as Yamada Yoshiko
* Yoshida Riko as Yamada Itsuko
* Shibuya Takeru as Yamada Mutsumi
* Ayata Toshiki (綾田俊樹) as Isogai Shitsuji
* Maro Akaji as Mimura Hijirichi
* Nishida Naomi as Mimura Tsuyuko
* Mizukawa Asami as Kotani
* Yoshiyuki Kazuko as Ume
* Ohno Satoshi (ep10)
* Nekoze Tsubaki as House maid
* Hankai Kazuaki (ep10)
Yamada Taro, a freshman on a scholarship at Ichinomiya Private Senior High School, is high-achieving, strikingly handsome, and truly athletic and seems perfect. But he is actually extremely poor. The story humorously portrays Taro, who tackles problems that occur because of his poverty, and his six younger brothers and sisters. --TBS
~the first dorama i've seen from ninomiya kazunari
~nino's acting was superb!!! i mean, yeah he's acting skills is better than matsujun (i have to admit this fact)
~the dorama is not about love for the opposite sex but love for the family. a story about a man who strives hard to make his family happy.
~one thing i like in this dorama is you get to laugh and cry at the same time.
~i realized that ninomiya is a real cutie.
~takako ikegami is so kawaii here. i like it when she pass out everytime she sees yamada taro. it's super funny.
~of course i should not forget sakurai sho as takuya mimura-- the rich and handsome friend of yamada taro. his character here was mysterious and i can't get enough of mimura-kun's smile. sooo hot!
~another character i like is sugiura keichi,can you imagine a guy falling in love with a guy? he's pretty annoying at first but he was so funny coz he acts like ikegami takako-chan when he started to fall under taro-kun's charms. he even admitted to the whole class that he loved yamada taro. Lol!
~i was right when i searched in the web about taro's father. kazuo looks like a rock star coz of his long hair and aura, and i found out that in real life he is a vocalist of a jrock band SOPHIA. my instinct is so damn right!
~although this is comedy you'll learn values in this dorama.
~i loove the yamada family commandments, especially "don't borrow money, we can't return it."
~almost all nino fans fell in love with him in this dorama.
~how can i forget the OST here? I looove it! "Happiness" is one of my favorite ARASHI song of all time!
~two thumbs-up!!!
~a must see for ARASHI and nino fangirls.
~nino's acting was superb!!! i mean, yeah he's acting skills is better than matsujun (i have to admit this fact)
~the dorama is not about love for the opposite sex but love for the family. a story about a man who strives hard to make his family happy.
~one thing i like in this dorama is you get to laugh and cry at the same time.
~i realized that ninomiya is a real cutie.
~takako ikegami is so kawaii here. i like it when she pass out everytime she sees yamada taro. it's super funny.
~of course i should not forget sakurai sho as takuya mimura-- the rich and handsome friend of yamada taro. his character here was mysterious and i can't get enough of mimura-kun's smile. sooo hot!
~another character i like is sugiura keichi,can you imagine a guy falling in love with a guy? he's pretty annoying at first but he was so funny coz he acts like ikegami takako-chan when he started to fall under taro-kun's charms. he even admitted to the whole class that he loved yamada taro. Lol!
~i was right when i searched in the web about taro's father. kazuo looks like a rock star coz of his long hair and aura, and i found out that in real life he is a vocalist of a jrock band SOPHIA. my instinct is so damn right!
~although this is comedy you'll learn values in this dorama.
~i loove the yamada family commandments, especially "don't borrow money, we can't return it."
~almost all nino fans fell in love with him in this dorama.
~how can i forget the OST here? I looove it! "Happiness" is one of my favorite ARASHI song of all time!
~two thumbs-up!!!
~a must see for ARASHI and nino fangirls.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
ARASHI STORMY WORLD signal no.1 a success!

yes! after months of waiting, the day that we fangirls are waiting had finally come! Arashi Stormy World Signal no.1 the first gathering is a huge success. despite the threat of typhoon "santi" the admin team of ASW pursued the said event for the sake of the HAPPINESS of the fangirls.
i'm glad i was a part of it. i met my co-fangirls who are so young! most of them are teenage girls. it's nice to meet them all.
our team won in the facial expression game. i got a smile DVD for a prize! hehehe, i don't need to go to quiapo to get a copy of MatsuJun's latest drama. sooo happy!
i bid for Matsujun's"R-18" poster. waahh! the bidding starts from PhP100 and i walked in the middle, raised my right arm and yelled "500!" minna-chan were shocked. I know in their faces, they say "Are you serious?" Imagine a five-hundred pesos for a not original poster of Matsujun? Eh? yeah i was just so excited to bid for my beloved Jun-kun so i stated that huge amount. My friend shyne said make your bid lower, so after thinking for a long moment, i made my bid lower to 180 pesos. and nobody bid higher than that...yatta!!! i got a Matsujun poster for the price of 180 pesos. whew!
we had games, merienda, and lots of happy fangirling moments.
yeah, all i can say is that it was one hell of a day!
arigatou gozamaisu to all my co-fangirls, the admin team (without them of course this gathering is impossible) and everyone who were there *big grin*
it would have been better and happier if ARASHI was there... but nevertheless the experience is really something. i mean i haven't thought that i would go this far at my age23 as a fan. *smiles*
hope to meet you again minna~
i'll post pics when i have time.
i'm glad i was a part of it. i met my co-fangirls who are so young! most of them are teenage girls. it's nice to meet them all.
our team won in the facial expression game. i got a smile DVD for a prize! hehehe, i don't need to go to quiapo to get a copy of MatsuJun's latest drama. sooo happy!
i bid for Matsujun's
we had games, merienda, and lots of happy fangirling moments.
yeah, all i can say is that it was one hell of a day!
arigatou gozamaisu to all my co-fangirls, the admin team (without them of course this gathering is impossible) and everyone who were there *big grin*
it would have been better and happier if ARASHI was there... but nevertheless the experience is really something. i mean i haven't thought that i would go this far at my age
hope to meet you again minna~
i'll post pics when i have time.
Monday, October 12, 2009
you belong with me by taylor swift
recently i keep on listening to taylor swift's you belong with me. i super like the song. the song gives me an idea to write a new story, and yes i think i would like to make a story out of this. super nice.
the lyrics are simple and yet it has story to it.
check out the video.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
non-fandom moment
what i'll be doing for the next couple of hours?
it's lunch break now and before it turns 1PM i think it's okay if i post some thoughts on this blog.
i'll be busy today coz of paper works, i'm not sure when will i get to finish all of them. there are many papers of our clients that need my attention and they are inf ront of my computer right now *sighs*
see ya next time when i have chance!
and by the way, i love MATSUJUN!!!
tokyogoddess :)
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

congratulations dear!
if only they sell those hand-painted Brandon Boyd sneakers i would gladly buy a pair, since I'm a sneakears lover... but sad to say those shoes are limited edition and sold only in Silver Lake, Los Angeles, California.
but anyway, i'm happy that aside from touring with his band, Brandon does his passion for painting.
watch list
since my friend lend me her DVDs of Arashi shows
i just wanna share you guys my watch list for the next days, weeks, months (i'm not sure when will i get to finished all of them ) the CDs have lots of episodes.
1. VS Arashi- a game show
2. Maou- ohno-chan's dorama last year (the one that chelle insisted me to watch)--done
3. yamada taro monogatari- nino-chan's dorama
4. Himitsu no Arashi-chan
5. dohmoto kyoudai ( guest NewS)- i already watched it
6.mago-mago- arashi's former show
7. Arashi Around Asia 2008
8. Pinkachi Life is hard dakedo Happy (arashi movie)-- done
9. Pinkachi II--arashi movie
i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy watching my lineups
hello minna-san!!
Ohayo gozaimasu minna-san!
today is beautiful day, isn't it?
i'm so happy that it's a sunny day... so much for heavy rains... so much for flash floods.
i look forward to a happy Christmas now that it's near.
i hope minna-san is as excited as I!!
and by the way, i'm looking forward to watching Pinkachi: Life is hard dakara Happy starring
my all-time favorite jpop band ARASHI.
AND yeah if you notice the title of this site it came from Arashi's movie: Life is hard dakedo happy. very kawaii, ne?
>>i don't know why i decided to have my own blog site. may be because i have to :)
so feel free to view this site which most of the time i talk about what i experience in everyday life. my favorites. updates on what's up with me. fangirling. lusting (over eye-candies). my crazyness. talking about nonsense things. now i'm really having a *nose bleed* here *wheew*.
enjoy minna-san.
it's okay to comment.
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