foods flooding,
salad, lechon, ham, spaghetti and everythingfireworks,
full blast stereo,
these are the things you get to see and hear whenever we embrace the coming of new year. and with that, it's also perfect if these five good looking, adorkable, bakawaii stormy boys are greeting you a very happy new year!
and this is what they have for you...

you l♥♥ve their dancing, ne? Arashi can be very sexy for you. all ll♥♥ve and rainbow for me & you XD kitto daijoubou!!!
and they are wishing everyone to have a wonderful year coming!
happy 2010 everyone!!!

ah... they're so
cuuttteee...this entry is not only about ARASHI (just want to tag this to an arashi post)
every year each one of us makes their new year's resolution, but for me i do not remember i ever made one. coz even if i did make any resolutions to my self, i know i can't make the things that i want to accomplish in the coming year. i let my life whatever it brings me. last year was an exception, i wanted to really lose weight and i even wanted to be as skinny as mischa barton (that's what i posted in my multiply account haha), but i didn't achieve the body i wanted, because 2009 (last year??) i became really bloated! as in i never imagined i could be this fat as to what i look now. and i'm so so hating this! i hate being fat. but i couldn't do anything. i'm too lazy to exercise. i love eating. but sometimes when i eat too much i felt so guilty, i forced myself to vomit all my food intake. it's bad i know. i wanna die!!!! *grabs the knife and stabs self*
but what's good thing about 2009 for me?
1.) i got myself a job! yeah, 2008 was a bad year for me. i was bum for one year. all i did was write and write novels. because that's what i really want since i was young. to write romance novels. and i still haven't given up that dream. it's a passion i can't leave behind (echos!). talking about job, i'm loving my work now in the office, no pressures at all. and i'm being paid reasonably so i don't have any
"reklamo" (compalin) at all hihi. i get to buy all the things i wanted. and what i like most is that i have savings!
2.) i was accepted to join the
Precious Heart Romances summer romance writing workshop last May 2009! i got to meet a lot of different people. learn more technical writing and everything an aspiring romance writer should learn ^^ the bad thing is, i have not published any books yet. my last manuscript was rejected T_T i felt bad. really bad. i mean come on, i put my heart and soul to it. and damn it was rejected! how can that be??? i was depressed and bitter for one day. did i say bitter? i'm still bitter up to now (haha). guess it's common to frustrated writers like me.
GAMBATTE NE, Leng, GAMBATTE!!!! i don't lose hope, i BELIEVE i can make my dream come true with the help of my Lord! Gambarimasu!!! and to make that happen i better start writing now! ho-ho!
ARASHI love is contagious! uh-huh! since 2006, i'm a Matsumoto Jun fan. i've known him since
Gokusen was aired here over GMA-7 that year.
fell in love more with him, with his
Domyouji character in
Hana Yori Dango. and the love grew much much bigger when i came to know ARASHI. yes, i've known Matsujun is part of that five-member jpop group, loving their
wish song but i don't pay much attention to them. but then i fell in love with
We Can make it! it was the OST of Matsujun's dorama
Bambino! that's it! i search them over youtube and found their PVs! and that's how it started. my love for Matsujun and Arashi grew bigger this year when i met my friend
shy (special mention, ayiii) who was one of my classmates in the romance writing workshop i attented. she was an ARASHI fan. and she likes nino to bits.
Dakara, officially i became a fangirl last May 2009. my crazy world gets crazier by loving ARASHI. all i can say is that, i'am a
Jun-bait all the way! i never betrayed my love for him, even if i got to know ohno, aiba, sakurai and nino. in my heart Matsujun is my ichiban. never for one moment that i thought to shift to any member. they're all good-looking, talented and adorkable , yes i love them all!!! but Matsujun is
saikou!!! i believe i'll be forever a fangirl. til my hair is gray. Fangirling introduces me to other fangirls, whom we share ONE LOVE... and that love we say is, ARASHI. 2009 made me so happy ^^ *does the A.Ra.Shi dance step*.
and what's in store for me in 2010???that is yet to be known. the year just started this day. but of course, i have things i want to fulfill this time. and i hope, really hope that i get to fulfill all of this. if not all, may be at least two of the things in this list.
1.) to lose pounds!!! more and more pounds this year! i really wish to lose my unwanted fats! no, i'm not wishing to be super skinny, coz i know that's impossible, so this year i should lessen my food intake, avoid carbs and calories, try to have some exercise, do Valerie Concepcion's Slendance, and try belly dancing (well, i hope so). i want to have the body
Goo Hara of Kara has. i wish!
2.) to write romance novels again ( i refrain from writing when i got the feed-backs of my Manuscript last september), hope to get publish this time. even if i don't get it right away or to my first manuscript submission this year, gambarimasu! i'll try and try and never give up! that's the spirit! fight-o!
3.) to accept the people and things around me more. i'm not the type of person
naman who did not appreciate things. just be happy and be content to things i have in present. if i want something, i'll do my best to achieve that goal! yeah.. be a better person. to make up for the bad things i did last year.
4.) get myself a....
boyfriend? do i really need this one? hmm, i'm still young
naman... so whatever plans God has for me, i will accept it. i have
dyowa naman in the person of Matsujun ^^ haha
5.) to spread
ARASHI l♥♥ve~ and keeping the faith to my beloved stormy boys. l♥♥ve riida, aiba-chan, sho-kun, nino and Matsujun XD coz i BELIEVE that they will continue to give me more HAPPINESS and BEAUTIFUL DAYS and in return i'll give back my LOVE SO SWEET \(^0^)/
and now i'm ending my blog. this is the first time i've written a long entry in full english. i tried my best to write it this way ^^. so if my grammar is bad and incorrect, gomen nasai *bows* i usually think and speak in my native language- filipino/tagalog.
happy reading!