Title: My 100th day with him
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Rating: PG
Pairing: Matsumoto Jun x Original Character
Beta: ShyUnique (^o^)/
Disclaimer: Johnny’s own Matsumoto Jun so is Arashi, I only own my scattered brain. An entire work of fiction baby XD
Author: matsuyaney
Summary: I’m not good in making one… so please bear with me m(_ _)m
It’s been 3 weeks since they last saw each other. It was okay for her.
Oh, she’s not the type of girlfriend who demands all of his time. She knew he was a very busy person; after all he is a top idol. His schedule was occupied with the filming and promotion of his upcoming drama, and then there’s new Arashi album, and soon they will start their concert tour in August. She’s not questioning him if he spends a little time with her and they rarely see each other. The time they spent together even for just a day or two was enough for her. She loved him, that’s all that matters.
She brushed her hair with her fingers and tucked some strands that blocked her eyesight behind her ears. She checked her dress to know if she wore the perfect outfit for that day. Then, she looked around her… looked at her watch… humming to one of Arashi’s songs.
Often, when they have dates outside he would wear a disguise; he would wear flashy outfits, wear fedora and dark sunglasses so no one would recognize him as the “MatsuJun” of Arashi. Their almost four-month relationship was still unknown to the public. Of course he can’t admit it to his fans and supporters, not even to Johnny Kitagawa. No, she doesn’t complain. She knew very well what is at stake once the public know that he is going out with someone. She had prepared herself for that since the day they became a couple.
She took a step to her right. Old couples, children playing, a lot of lovers were there but there was none of his trace. “Doko ni iru no, Jun-kun?” she asked silently.
Jun was never late in any of their dates ever. He would call her if he thought he can’t make it on time. It was actually the other way around. She was the one who’s usually late on their dates.
*A couple of hours earlier*
Jun was tapping his fingers on the table anxiously. He checked his watch. He knew he can make it on time. He wished that the meeting would end so he could get his ass out of that studio, rush to his car and drive to Hibiya Park. God, I want to see her now.
With that thought in mind, a smile hovered on his lips.
He felt a bumped on his shoulder. It was Aiba-chan. “Ne, Jun-kun, you’re smiling like an idiot,” he whispered teasingly.
Jun raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Shut up!” he hissed. He took out his phone from his pocket. He was about to give a call to his girlfriend when…
“Matsumoto! We are in the middle of a meeting, no phone calls are allowed.” Manager-san said.
Jun raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Shut up!” he hissed. He took out his phone from his pocket. He was about to give a call to his girlfriend when…
“Matsumoto! We are in the middle of a meeting, no phone calls are allowed.” Manager-san said.
After thirty minutes or so the meeting has finally ended. Jun got up from his chair right after Manager-san left the room. They did the photo shoot for Myojo magazine yesterday, He did not have any appointments in the afternoon, so he told his girlfriend he will be free after that. He wanted to be with her before his schedules become so packed next month.
He put on his fedora, his tension rose up, he was all giddy and he can’t hide it from his friends.
The other four was observing his every move. Nino was smirking, and then he took out his DS. He didn’t notice Ohno’s bittersweet smile as he continued watching the younger man, Sho-chan who by now has a newspaper on his hand was busy looking at him, while Aiba who was sitting near Jun can’t conceal his excitement. He was probably excited about Arashi’s concert next month.
As soon as Jun fixed himself, the grin was still there, he noticed that the guys were all eyes on him. A knot formed on his forehead as he gazed at the four. “What’s the problem?” he asked curiously.
The room was suddenly surrounded with a pit of laughter.
“Really, what’s the problem?” he asked again. He was starting to get annoyed with their faces. He should restrain himself from getting pissed. He should not ruin his good mood.
“Ne, Jun-kun have you seen yourself in the mirror?” Nino asked him, he glanced at him for awhile and then his eyes went back to his game.
He tilted his head. “I know I look good and fabulous.” He said arrogantly. He brushed off his vest.
“No. no, it’s not that. We already know that you are.” Sho-chan said.
“Then what is it?”
“You’re wearing your heart on your sleeves.” Aiba-chan said excitedly, like the way he always is.
His eyes went big. “Eh?!” Have they already known that I’m seeing someone right now?
His relationship with Yaney-chan was still secreted from his friends except from Riida. It’s not that he did not want his friends to know that his current status is “attached and unavailable”; he just wanted to be safe. The world can’t know right now, at least not now. Even if he wanted to tell the whole universe that his heart was already possessed by someone he truly loves.
He thought he will tell them sometime. Only Riida knows. He already introduced Yaney-chan to Riida two months ago, when he visited him in his apartment and apparently Yaney-chan was there.
Did Ohno tell them about it? About him and Yaney-chan?
“Ah… Ah…” he was lost for words. His brain can’t come up with a good alibi. He pressed his lips together.
“You don’t have to say a thing, Jun-kun.” Sho tapped his back. “That is, if you’re still not ready.” He added understandingly.
Nino turned off his DS and stared up on him from the couch where he was sitting beside Oh-chan who was just listening to their conversation,
“We’ve been together for ten years, ne? And now we’re on our eleventh year. The five us practically lived our lives together. And the way you’re behaving right now, we assumed that you’re in love. You’re acting like a love-sick puppy.” The gamer commented with a smirk.
“Yes! I know you are in love!” Aiba almost screamed happily. He became jumpy all over. He took a few steps towards him and shook him. “Can I meet her? Can I meet her?”
Jun held Aiba’s hand and eyed him dangerously. “Can’t you zip your mouth?”
“Don’t talk so loud, baka!” Ohno warned Aiba.
Aiba’s energy died down. “I just want to meet her that’s all.”
Guilt crossed his eyes as he looked at Aiba-chan. “Gomen ne, Aiba-chan.”
Aiba shrugged his shoulders. "Well, it's okay if you're not ready yet to introduce her to us" his eyes were like puppy eyes
He sighed. He couldn’t hide it from his friends, could he? He trusts them. It wouldn’t hurt if he told them about Yaney-chan. Besides, he would love it if his friends will get along with his girl. An idea popped in his head.
“Ne, I’ve been seeing Yaney-chan for three months and two weeks now…” he started telling them where and how they met. The other Arashi members were just listening intently to his story.
“Even if I haven’t met her, I know she’s cute!” Aiba exclaimed. “But how come Riida met her already and the three of us haven’t? We have to meet her Jun-kun.”
Jun grinned frivolously. “You will meet her.” He reassured the tallest member of Arashi.
Nino just nodded, and went back to his game. Ohno did not make any further comment.
He gave a quick look at his watch. “Fuck! I have to get out of here soon or else she would wring my neck!” he gathered his things and opened the door. “Ja!” then he fled.
Yaney was stomping her feet lightly on the ground. She was getting pissed by the minute. She’d look around and pout all at the same time. She had been standing there for about twenty-five minutes! She tried her best not to sit down on the nearby bench so that her cute dress won’t get crinkled. She wanted to take off her ballet flats and wear flip flops instead. But because she wanted to look girly and extra pretty for Jun, she decided to doll up herself even if she wasn’t really comfortable wearing those kind of clothes.
Okay, she was half pissed and half worried. What if… what if… she shook her head. She didn’t want to entertain morbid thoughts in her mind. Worry was visible in her eyes.
Viva! Myself! Kou aritai
Kimatte iu no wa sore bakari (yabai)
So motto reality (yabai), ima sugu
Sou taido de shinesanakya (ryoukai)
Her phone rings. It was Jun who set the ringing tone of her phone. He did that so she won’t miss him too much. Those were his words.
She pushed the answer button.
“Moshi Moshi!” Jun greeted on the other line.
“You baka! Doko ni iru no?” she almost yelled at him, good thing she pulled herself up. She can’t make a scene in a public place. She did not want to humiliate herself in front of everybody.
“Gomen ne, Yaney-chan, something came up.”
“Sorry? Sorry? Is that all you can say? I’ve been waiting for you here for almost an hour! You better make a good excuse or else!” she warned.
“Why are you being so hot headed today? I’m still here in the green room.” the sound of his voice was teasing. Like there were some naughty thoughts on his mind. She had memorized that tone of his.
She felt relieved. Now she was sure that nothing bad happened to him. But she was kinda pissed because he was still not showing up. He was the one who planned that date. He made a promise that he would make use of his free time to be with her.
She carefully listened at the background. She can’t hear the voices of Sho, Nino, Ohno nor Aiba. Aiba talks too much. She watches a lot of Arashi’s variety shows so she can clearly recognize his voice even if she hasn’t met him in person. If he’s still at Johnny’s she’d hear his bandmates’ voices, right?
“Matsumoto! Where are you exactly?” she jeered and pouted prettily.
He laughed a sexy laugh.
“I can picture you in my mind right now.” He started speaking flirty. “You’re in a cute purple dress… with nice bottom curls, and cute purple head band…”
Her heart skipped a beat. How come he knew what she was wearing right now? Does her boyfriend have mental telepathy all of a sudden? Or he had super powers he was not just telling her about it?
He chuckled once more. Then he became silent.
“I miss you, Yaney-chan.” He spoke ever so softly. She could even hear the sound of his breath.
“If you really miss me, you’d show up in front of me.” She said gently. She could hear laughs on the background… voices of children… playing. There was no hint of Aiba or Sho with him.
“I want to crush you in my arms real tight,”
“And I want you to do it to me now.” The thing that he said was the exact same thing she wanted to do to him. She looked to her right then to her left, he talked as if he watches her from a tiny distance.
She pouted when she couldn’t find any trace of him in the park. He was not kidding her when he said he’s still at the Johnny’s building.
“I want to kiss your lips when you pout like that…”
Her forehead formed a knot. There he goes talking like he was just a few meters away from her. “Are you like my stalker now?”
He sniggered. “Stalker. It kinda looks like it.”
“Are you playing games with me, Matsumoto Jun?” she put the phone away from her ear and gawked at it as if it was Jun.
“Of course not!
“Then how come I feel like you’re watching me from a not-so-very far distance?”
“Because…” he cleared his throat.
“Can you please turn around?”
She did as told. “Eh?!”
She saw Jun standing in front of her holding a bouquet of red roses and white lilies combined. He waved at her. He was wearing a big smile. Her mouth was left open because of shock. Was he right there all along? But why didn’t she notice it all?
He walked and stopped right in front of her.
Her heart did a somersault by staring at him looking ever so gorgeous. Her heart would beat faster uncontrollably whenever she sees him.
He enclosed her inside his arms. “You can close your mouth now.” He giggled.
She closed her mouth and looked straight into his eyes. “You were already here?”
He nodded. “Uh-huh. I was actually here even before you arrived.”
She punched him lightly on his chest. “And you told me you’re still in Arashi’s green room!”
“Gomen, ne. I did that coz I want to observe you from afar. You look so pretty in that dress and I never saw you dressed up like that even when we first met.”
“You kept me waiting for almost thirty minutes! While all along you were here already!” she whined.
“Yaney-chan, I’m sorry okay.”
She sulked and crossed her arms over her chest. “You have to make it up to me.”
“That’s what I plan to do.” He pulled away from her. He stretched his arm that was holding the bouquet. “Ne, Yaney-chan… I wish I can take off these sunglasses.”
“Is that all you can say, Jun-kun?” but yes, she wished they can have a normal date where he did not have to wear a disguise.
Even from the dark glasses he was wearing, Yaney was sure that he had all the love for her showing in his eyes.
He gulped three times before he spoke. “There are over 127 million people living in Japan, it’s our destiny that you and I met each other in this planet named Earth. Today is the 100th day that we became officially on. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for the wonderful times we had together and I’m looking forward for more. I’ve never been this happy until the day I met you.” He gave her the flowers.
It was the first time he gave her flowers. She smelled the fragrance of red roses and white lilies as soon as she took it from Jun’s hand. It was perfectly beautiful. Her heart swelled with so much love for him. She looked up at him. “Arigatou.”
He cupped her face with both his palms. He stared at her for more than ten seconds before he reached for her lips.
They kissed passionately in the middle of Hibiya Park not minding the people around them <3 .="." span="span">
Author's note:
This is my first attempt to write a fanfic m(__)m. I was generally motivated and inspired to write my own fanfic because of my favorite fanfic writers. I was excited and nervous all at the same time coz I'm not sure if I did the right thing. As you can see (read) the verb of agreement that I used was past tense because this is how we, romance novelist writes. The whole idea of putting pictures to the fiction was inspired of miss mai salcedo from her blogsite ^_^.
*Credits to the rightful owner/ magazine scanners of the pictures that were used in this fanfiction. I found them on the web. *
comments are definitely love <3 span="span">3>3>
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